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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Free Read Confessing and Praying the Word of God Now

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Date : 2016-10-25

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Category : Book

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Christian Bible Confessions and Praying the Word ~ Doing God’s Will Prayers to Abide in Christ Here are some lists of Scriptural personalized Confessions of the Word of God you can use to build your faith and affirm WHAT GOD HAS SAID These things apply to you if you are looking to Jesus Christ and obeying His Word by the Spirit

Confessing and Praying the Word of God Vickie Prince ~ Confessing and Praying the Word of God is a must read for every individual There are positive confessions that have been personalized for you to speak over every aspect of your life such as your children marriage health faith and finances to name a few

Confessing and Praying the Word of God ~ Confessing and Praying the Word of God was inspired by my desire to have a daily personal meditation and confession of the word of God in a way that was deeper than what I was experiencing It was birthed in my spirit at a time when I needed a more intimate relationship with God and for him to answer some needed prayers in my life

Confession of Gods Word Builds Faith – Kenneth E Hagin ~ 3 Confessing the word of God This is the againandagain type of confession This confessing is not actually a prayer It is simply speaking the word of God out of your mouth to get it into your heart You are not saying it to ‘talk Him into it’ You are saying it for it to go down deep in your heart like the seeds in Mark chapter 4

Confessing ScriptureGods PromisesDeclaring Gods Word ~ Confessing the word of God is one way we can overcome Hope you find these a blessing to you Confessing scripture in prayer is transforming

Praying Gods Word Out Loud for Breakthrough ~ Praying God’s Word with our lips is a dangerous weapon to Satan He knows the power of the Word of God When we went to Australia at first we were very ignorant about the kangaroo

12 Tips on How to Prayread the Word of God to be ~ As we pray the word sing the word psalm the word and thank through the word we digest the divine essence the Spirit in the word making it our divine constituent In such a way we are daily being renewed and transformed into image of our dear Lord so that to our God there will be glory in the church Eph 321

Scriptural Confessions Speaking the Word of God over Your Life ~ Declare the Word with Prophets Russ and Kitty visit us at for more resources The words you speak become the fruit of tomorrows blessings in your life This is the clear

Daniel 920 While I was speaking praying confessing my ~ While I was speaking and praying and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and presenting my petition before the LORD my God for the holy mountain of my God GODS WORD® Translation I continued to pray confessing my sins and the sins of my people Israel


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